Requests for access

From 1st January 2013 the system users of gas transmission system will be, on the basis of entry-exit method, able to book transmission capacities separately and independently on border entry and exit points and also on exit points inside Republic of Slovenia.

Request for access for exit point inside the Republic of Slovenia

Eligible system user or an applicant for network access, in accordance with their capacity demand, should submit to the Transmission System Operator a Request for access for exit point inside Republic of Slovenia, separately for exit point of domestic end customer and separately for exit point for distribution supply. A network user should consider and oblige the technical capacity of the connection to the grid, specified in the Connection contract.

The Request for access for exit point of domestic end customer inside Republic of Slovenia shall include:

  • the name and address of an end customer,
  • exit point inside Republic of Slovenia – the offtake point, offtake pressure,
  • the maximum daily flow rate – transmission capacity (kWh/day), the maximum hourly flow rate (Nm3/h),
  • the beginning and duration of access to the transmission system,
  • the name and address of gas supplier,
  • the name and address of the balancing group leader
  • approximate annual quantities of gas for applicant (kWh).

The Request for access for exit point for distribution supply inside Republic of Slovenia shall include:

  • the name and address of an Distribution System Operator,
  • exit point inside Republic of Slovenia – the offtake point, offtake pressure,
  • the maximum daily flow rate – transmission capacity (kWh/day), the maximum hourly flow rate (Nm3/h),
  • the beginning and duration of access to the transmission system,
  • the name and address of the balancing group leader
  • approximate annual quantities of gas for applicant (kWh).

Transmission Agreements are normally concluded for gas year from 1st October to 30th September, with annual or multiannual duration. Requests for access for the exit point inside Republic of Slovenia, in accordance with legislation and with the Rules on the procedure for the allocation of transmission system capacities for entry and exit points in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 152/20), should be submitted until 30th June of the current gas year for the following gas year(s).

In the request for access all the technical requirements of a specific connection point to the transmission grid should be considered and obliged. Request for access, higher than connection specifications indicated in the Connection Contract, Transmission System Operator cannot approve.

When Transmission System Operator approves Request for access for the exit point inside Republic of Slovenia and performs the allocation of capacity, Transmission System Operator provides system user with the Transmission Agreement with 15 days signing window.

System user is able to book a day-ahead capacity on the basis of concluded Framework Transmission Agreement. System user shall submit to the Transmission System Operator duly completed Capacity request for Framework Transmission Agreement for exit capacity inside Republic of Slovenia and Consent of balancing group leader for exit point inside Republic of Slovenia from Framework Transmission Agreement. After approving the request, Transmission System Operator provides system user with the Framework Transmission Agreement for signature.



Request for access for exit point inside Republic of Slovenia:

Capacity request for Framework transmission agreement for exit capacity inside Republic of Slovenia
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+386 1 582 06 66