Connecting point

According to the Energy Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 60/19 and 65/20), the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia has given the approval to the Rules on terms and conditions for capacity allocation mechanisms at interconnection points of the transmission system by auction, congestion management procedure and capacity trading on the secondary market (Official Gazette of RS, No 152/20).

The rules among other issues ensure:

  • conditions to ensure access to interconnection points of the transmission system and allocation capacities mechanism,
  • trading in capacities at interconnection points on the secondary market,
  • the congestion management procedures in the event of contractual congestion,
  • the allocation of incremental capacity,
  • publishing information.

Capacity booking for system users on interconnection points is enabled through auctions on web-based booking platform PRISMA European Capacity Platform, according to the Rules on terms and conditions for capacity allocation mechanisms at interconnection points of the transmission system by auction, congestion management procedure and capacity trading on the secondary market(Official Gazette of RS, No. 152/20). The Transmission System Operator may deny an applicant’s Request for transmission in cases stipulated by the Energy Act and regulations.  

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