Pursuant to Article 18 of the Act on the methodology for calculating network charges for the transmission network of natural gas (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 77/15, No. 21/18 and No. 86/18) and Article 13 of the Act on the Methodology for calculating network charges for the transmission network of natural gas (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 20/19), the Transmission System Operator for natural gas Plinovodi d.o.o. has issued a Pricelist of services not covered by the income from the use of the transmission network stepping into force from the 1th January 2016 onwards. The issued pricelist will be used by the Transmission System Operator for changing the performed services that are not included in the, by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, approved regulatory frame under the eligible costs of each regulatory period.
Transmission System Operator, company Plinovodi d.o.o., has on the basis of the consent of the Energy Agency No. 211-61/2015-11/429, dated 25th November 2015, and resolution No. 211-61/215-13/429, dated 2nd December 2015, published a Pricelist for other services and on the basis of the resolution of the Energy Agency No. 211-61/2015-19/429, dated 26th August 2016, published a Change of pricelist for other services.
Transmission System Operator has on the basis of the consent of the Energy Agency No. 211-23/2018-08/429, dated 24th May 2018 published a new Pricelist for other services and on the basis of the consent of the Energy Agency No. 211-8/2019-16/429, dated 30th May 2019, published updated Pricelist for other services, valid from 1st January 2020.
New Energy Act (EZ-1) established on 7 March 2014, introduces new terminology, namely the term for “suspension of gas transmission” from Article 76 of the previously valid Energy Act which is applied in the pricelist (table 4, item 1 with accompanying explanation*) and is replaced in the Article 274 of the EZ-1 by the term “disconnection” and has meaningful content for the same institute. The same Article also determines the deadline for the written notification of the network user of the foreseendisconnection: the system operator must notify the network user about the disconnection at least eight days in advance. As the system operator must conduct its operations according to the valid regulations, both changes will be considered in an event of “disconnection” (“suspension of gas transmission”) when the performed services will be charged as they are itemised in the pricelist.
Pricelist for other services, which Transmission System Operator charges in addition to the network charge for network users in the framework of performing public service obligation relating to the activity of Transmission System Operator in the field of natural gas, not covered by the income from the use of the transmission network:
Change of pricelist of services not covered by the income from the use of the transmission network: