Projects of Common Interest (PCI)

EU Regulation No. 347/2013, the main purpose of which is to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of projects of strategic importance in the energy sector, introduced, among other things, a status for projects called Project of Common Interest (PCI). Projects of common interest (PCIs) are key cross border infrastructure projects that link the energy systems of EU countries.

The PCI status can be awarded to projects that provide a significant contribution to creating the internal energy market, ensuring the security of supply, and building strategic priority corridors with a cross-border impact. They are intended to help the EU achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens, and the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

The list of PCI projects is updated every two years. The first list was approved by the European Commission in 2013, the second list was approved in 2015, the third list in 2017 and the fourth (currently the last) in October 2019.

PCI list 2019

The European Commission has adopted the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) on 31 October 2019 for implementing cross-border energy infrastructure in the EU.

In April 2020, the Commission published the technical document for the 4th PCI list, which provides a technical description of all its 149 projects (100 electricity transmission and storage, 6 smart grid deployment, 32 gas, 6 oil and 5 cross-border carbon dioxide networks), information on promoters and commissioning dates.

Additional information on Projects of Common Interest (PCI) is available on the European Commission's official website here, and on the PCI interactive map here.

The company Plinovodi d.o.o., as the Slovenian TSO, has 6 projects on the PCI list 2019 in the frame of 2 PCI clusters.

6.23 Hungary – Slovenia - Italy interconnection (Nagykanizsa (HU) - Tornyiszentmiklós (HU) - Lendava (SI) - Kidričevo (SI) – Ajdovščina (SI) – Šempeter (SI) – Gorizia (IT))

PCI cluster includes the following projects:

  • Slovenian-Hungarian interconnector (HU)
  • R15/1 Pince - Lendava – Kidričevo (SI)
  • M3 pipeline reconstruction from CS Ajdovščina to Šempeter/Gorizia (SI)
  • CS Ajdovščina, 1st phase of upgrade (SI)
  • Gorizia plant upgrade (IT)


More information about the project:

6.26 Cluster Croatia — Slovenia — Austria at Rogatec, including:

  • 26.1 Croatia – Slovenia (Lučko — Zabok – Rogatec) (HR) interconnection
  • 26.2 CS Kidričevo, 2nd stage of expansion (SI)
  • 26.3 Compressor stations on the Croatian gas transmission system (HR)
  • 26.4 GCA 2014/04 Murfeld (AT)
  • 26.5 Upgrade of Ceršak/Murfeld interconnection (SI)
  • 26.6 Upgrade of Rogatec interconnection (SI)


More information about the project:

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