The transmission system operator Plinovodi d.o.o. has the status of local EIC code issuer in Slovenia (Local Issuing Office – LIO) and issuing both local and international EIC codes. The same status in Slovenia has also ELES d.o.o. company. The codes are being issued to the market participants based on the application form and in accordance with the rules of EIC code issuing.
EIC code issuing rules summary:
- The code is unique, therefore to each market participant can be issued only one code for identification on any energy market.
- The EIC code remains unchanged all the time until the status of the EIC code holder changes (e.g. EIC code holder end of business).
- EIC code can be cancelled based on the holder’s demand. Once the code is cancelled it cannot be used any longer.
- If the holder’s name is changed the EIC code does not change.
The EIC code holder is obliged to notify the EIC code issuer about the changes as: the name of the holder, display name, address, other contact data, etc.
- If the EIC code is not issued by the central issuer ENTSO-E (Central Issuing Office – CIO) as well, the issued code is local and is valid only in the area of local issuer.
EIC code issuing procedure:
- The market participant fills the EIC code issuing application form.
- Filled application form with all required data should be sent to following e–mail address:
- In addition to the electronic form the form signed by the responsible person has to be sent to the following address:
- Plinovodi d.o.o.
Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 11bp.p. 3720
1001 Ljubljana
- The local issuer Plinovodi (LIO) checks the participant’s data and then in the already issued EIC codes database on the CIO’s website checks whether the participant already has the EIC code issued.
- The local issuer publishes the issued EIC code on its website and informs the participant of the issued code.
In case of international EIC code, Plinovodi d.o.o. performs all the required check procedures and harmonization with the CIO’s central database for the market participant. Similar procedure is performed in case of EIC code cancellation or basic data change (holder’s name, etc.).