Network charge

Access to gas transmission network is fully regulated, which simply means that providing the service is supervised by an independent regulator (National Regulatory Authority) and that both conditions for access and price for access are non-discriminatory against the users. Methodology for the calculation of transmission network charge is prepared and approved by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (National Regulatory Authority) and is published in the Act on the methodology for calculating network charges for the transmission network of gas (Official Gazette of RS, No. 77/15, 21/18, 86/18 and 20/19), the same implies for the methodology for setting the network charges and the criteria for determining eligible costs for gas transmission network, which is defined and published in the Act on the methodology for setting the regulatory framework of transmission system operator for gas (Official Gazette of RS, No. 21/18).

Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia gives the approval to the regulatory framework of the gas transmission system operator and to the tariff rates for network charges for the gas for the regulatory period from 1 st January 2019 to 31 st December 2019, that are published in the Act determining tariff rates for network charges for the gas transmission system (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 37/18). Tariff rates for network charges for regulatory period from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2021 are confirmed with the Approval by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia and published in the Act determining tariff rates for network charges for gas transmission system (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 38/19).

Network charge is billed in monthly periods and consists of:

  • transmission charge for entry capacity (for yearly, monthly and daily firm/interruptible access),
  • transmission charge for exit capacity (for yearly, monthly and daily firm/interruptible access),
    • (fee for exceeding the booked capacity in exit point inside Republic of Slovenia),
    • (fee for exceeding booked capacity in the event of danger),
  • fuel gas charge (on exit points) and
  • metering charge.

Some elements of monthly charge are charged only if the limit of the charging basis is exceeded (fee for exceeding the booked capacity in exit point inside Republic of Slovenia, fee for exceeding booked capacity in the event of danger).

Transmission charge for booked entry and exit capacities is usually the largest component of the network charge and is expressed in EUR/kWh/day for calendar year 2019 and in EURcent/kWh/day for calendar years 2020 and 2021.

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