Balancement market

According to currently valid regulation each user of the network is a part of a Balancing Group. Within the framework of the Balancing Group, the leveling of the deviations of intake and offtake of natural gas (balancing actions) are defined and charged. The Balancing Contract is concluded between the Balancing Group Leader and the Transmission System Operator for natural gas.

Balancing scheme – register of balancing group members

A Balancing group leader maintains a register of balancing group members and hierarchical record of all contracts on deviation balancing and promptly sends the updated list to the Transmission system operator in electronic form. To fulfil this requirement as laid out in Article 10 of the Decree on the operation of the natural gas market (Official Gazette of RS, No. 61/16), a balancing group leader must fill the »Annex 1 to the balancing contract« with data on balancing group members with associated offtake points and balancing sub-group leaders with their members and associated offtake points and send dully completed and signed Annex via e-mail to:

Balancing group members may be market participants with their associated intake or offtake points on the transmission system, included in the balancing group by the balancing group leader by concluding an open supply contract.

A balancing group member may also be a balancing sub-group, which is included in the balancing group by the contract on deviation balancing between the balancing group leader and hierarchical subsidiary balancing sub-group leader.

Transmission system operator publishes data on balancing scheme on its website, which include balancing group leaders (BGL) and possible balancing sub-groups (BSG) and hierarchical subsidiary balancing sub-groups (BSG).



Draft of Annex to the Balancing contract
Draft of Bank guarantee
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+386 1 582 06 66