Connection to the transmission network

Connection is a physical connection of a potential user of the network to the natural gas transmission network. The connection to the transmission gas network is, of course, a pre-condition for direct access to the transmission gas network.

The conditions for connection to the transmission network are governed by the Energy Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 27/07 EZ-UPB2 and No 70/08 EZ-C). The Decree on the method for implementing public service obligation relating to the activity of transmission System Operator in the field of natural gas (Official Gazette of RS, No 97/04 and No 8/05)), hereinafter referred to as: Decree, the General conditions for the supply and consumption of natural gas from the transmission network (Official Gazette of RS, No 89/05), hereinafter referred to as: General conditions and System operating instructions for natural gas transmission (Official Gazette of RS, No 89/05).

Those interested in connection to the natural gas network must, in accordance with Article 10 of the Decree, contact the System Operator of the distribution network of an individual Municipality. More information on the above is available at the page of the Economic Interest Association for distribution of natural gas.

In case natural gas distribution is not organised in a certain Municipality, the interested party may obtain information on connection to the transmission network from our Investment Department.

After clarification of all initial questions, the potential user of the transmission network, in accordance with Article 8 of the General conditions, submits an application for connection consent, which the System Operator examines as part of an administrative procedure. On the basis of a positive consent for connection, the user of the network and the System Operator of the network conclude a Contract on connection, in which they agree upon the manner and deadlines for the execution of the connection and their mutual rights and obligations.

Prior to the beginning of transmission, a Contract on access must also be concluded. The procedure is presented at: Request for access.



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