Relevant points data

All quantities in tables and charts are valid for specific gas day. The following standard conditions are assumed: pressure is 1.01325 bar and temperature 0 °C. Gross calorific value of natural gas is expressed at reference combustion temperature t1 = 25 °C and reference metering temperature t2 = 0 °C and at the reference pressure 1,01325 bar. According to the standard SIST EN ISO 13443:2005 is conversion factor for volume from Sm3 (reference temperature 15°C) to Nm3 (reference temperature 0°C) equal 0,9476. Nominated quantities are also available as interruptible backhaul capacities (netting). Hourly data are published here.

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{{ sigi.Value.Value | number }}
{{ sssigi.Value.Value | number }}
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