Compliant with the EU regulation 2015/703 (30th April 2015) on establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange transmission system operator must support data exchange for the purpose of nomination procedures via two different communication routes.
TSO Plinovodi d.o.o. supports nomination procedures via two different communication routes:
Definitions of gas year, day and units
Overview of nominations
Balance Group Leader (BGL) is obliged to submit a daily nomination of natural gas quantities for every entry or exit point for an individual balancing group to Transmission System Operator (TSO). In the process of nominations of natural gas quantities the network user has to take into consideration his capacity contracts on primary and secondary market and is responsible for accuracy of transmitted data. Communicated nominations can only be within capacity range defined with contracts and it is not allowed to exceed the maximum contracted capacity.
TSO Plinovodi d.o.o. will take into account the most recent nominations received until the nomination deadline. If TSO does not receive a valid nomination for transport of natural gas from the BGL until the deadline for a certain gas day, TSO uses “lesser rule” in case of discrepancy (“mismatch”) at individual border Interconnection Point (IP). The BGL shall endeavor that nominated entry and exit quantities on transmission system for particular gas day are in balance and that nominations at IPs agree with partners which are active on adjacent transmission system.
Shipper pair configuration
In order to configure shipper-pair for nomination procedure on interconnection point each BGL has to provide the following information to TSO:
Interconnection Point | EIC code |
Murfeld - AT / Cersak - SI | 21Z0000000000058 |
Rogatec | 21Z000000000128T |
Gorizia - IT / Sempeter - SI | 21Z000000000044Z |
Each BGL has to communicate to TSO its contact information (telephone, e-mail, fax), where can be reached each day 24 hours per day in case of needed clarification of nominations.
Daily nomination
The BGL shall submit daily nomination for a specific gas day (“D”) no later than by 2 p.m. on the previous gas day (“D-1”). A BGL may submit the change of confirmed nomination (“re-nomination”) for all hours of gas day “D” no later than by 4 a.m. on previous gas day (“D-1”).
Within-day re-nomination
The change of the daily nomination confirmed in advance for the entry or exit points in the Republic of Slovenia may be submitted by a BGL no later than two hours before the start of the changed transmission. The transmission system operator performs such transfer only if the flow pressure conditions in the transmission system allow so.
Nomination procedure using standardized Edig@s format and AS4 protocol
Data format must be in standardized Edig@s-XML form. Documents are sent in XML format, using AS4 (Applicability Standard 4) protocol. Information regarding Edig@s implementation can be found on the following web pages:
For more information regarding nomination procedures in Edig@s-XML format using AS4 protocol please contact us at
Nomination procedure using our web portal NUS
Nominations can be transmitted using our Network User Services (NUS) portal (module “Nominations and confirmations”). It is possible to input the nomination using a web form or via import from an Excel document.
In order to be able to use the NUS portal, network user must obtain access to the portal and the module “Nominations and confirmations”. More information is available on our web page
Transmission system operator Plinovodi d.o.o. contact information: