September 2018

Workshop Slovenian Gas Market in the Region

Our company Plinovodi d.o.o held a full-day workshop with the title »Slovenian Gas Market in the Region« on Wednesday, 12th September 2018.

General Manager of Plinovodi d.o.o. Marjan Eberlinc opened the workshop. He emphasized the importance of natural gas and the initiatives for its use, as well as the requirements set by the natural gas market for gas infrastructure.

The first part of the workshop continued with presentation of legislative novelties and the development of services aimed at more user and environmentally friendly business. With first presentation, Jošt Štrukelj covered the novelties of European and national legislation. Following presentation was held by Marko Širovnik, who emphasized some of the key features of the Slovenian natural gas transmission system and provided key information about the virtual point. After that, Matej Urh and Gregor Slavec presented Forecasting party activities. Jan Šinigoj summarized the novelties of the project within the NUS “Network User Services” portal, which enables digitalization of the capacity contracts in the Republic of Slovenia. At the very end of the first part of the workshop, Tina Štrukelj and a representative of Austrian TSO Gas connect Austria, Mr. Marko Janicijević gave a detailed presentation of the CNG development possibilities.

In the second part of the workshop, our guest speakers presented the possibilities of gas in the energy sector. The main theme of the presentation from ACER representatives Alessia D’Addabbo and Nico Keyaerts was focused on the Presentation of methodology for evaluating PCI projects. Toth Borbala in Kotek Péter from the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) pointed to an increasingly important topic of gas infrastructure in Europe. Francesco Cariello, representative of Italian Energy Agency ARERA enriched us with specific information of the natural gas market and gas infrastructure. At the end, Franc Žlahtič invited all speakers to discuss all presented topics.

In the third part, Oton Gortnar and Božidar Valent Fabjan presented the establishment of bidirectional gas route on Slovenian – Croatian border point Rogatec. We proceeded with the common project Italy – Slovenia – Hungary presentation. The view on the project was given by all cooperating TSOs: Franc Žlahtič, Jan Šinigoj and Jošt Štrukelj from Plinovodi d.o.o., Alessandro Mora and Daniele Capizzi from Italian TSO Snam Rete Gas S.p.A. and from Hungarian TSO FGSZ Ltd.: Gábor Szokodi, Ákos Grosz, Sándor Bogoly, Jenei Károly.

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