Deputy General Manager, Mr. Matija Bitenc, Appointed to ENTSOG Board

16. 12. 2024
On 12 December 2024, the ENTSOG General Assembly elected its President and new Members of the Board for the term running from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027.

On 12 December 2024, the ENTSOG General Assembly elected its President and new Members of the Board for the term running from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027. The ENTSOG General Assembly re-elected Bart Jan Hoevers as ENTSOG President and appointed several new Board Members, including Mr. Matija Bitenc, Deputy General Manager of Plinovodi. Additionally, in October, the ENTSOG General Assembly appointed Mr. Piotr Kuś as the General Director, also for the 2025–2027 term.


The newly elected ENTSOG Board Members for the next three-year term includes:


Pierre Duvieusart (GRTgaz)

Jeppe Danø (Energinet)

Con O’Donnell (GNI)

Pascal De Buck (Fluxys Belgium S.A.)

Elżbieta Kramek (GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.)

Matija Bitenc (Plinovodi)

Gaetano Mazzitelli (Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.)

Matthias Jenn (Bayernets)

Valerie Hackl (GCA)

Luis Ignacio Parada (Enagás)

Robert Bosnjak (Plinacro)

Olli Sipilä (Gasgrid)


The election of Mr. Matija Bitenc to the ENTSOG Board confirms Plinovodi’s international recognition and its active role in the European gas transmission system. We are confident that his leadership will contribute to shaping strategic directions and to the development of international cooperation within the gas infrastructure sector.


For more information, please refer to the official ENTSOG press release.



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