The workshop will take place in two content-rounded sections.
First part will present legislative novelties, summarize the situation on the market and show projects that will contribute to a more efficient market and more reliable supply of natural gas in the Republic of Slovenia.
In the second part, representatives of the TSO, the Energy Agency, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, a gas supplier and an industrial customer will give their views at the round table on the topic "Gas industry today and tomorrow".
Framework program for workshop on 13th June 2023
8.30 – 9.00 Reception of participants
9.00 – 9.15 Opening speech by the General Manager
9.15 – 11.15 First part: Slovenian gas market
Regulatory and legislative novelties,
Implementation of regulation in the future,
Gas transmission and Slovenian gas market,
Enotni informacijski sistem (EIS) platform,
Development of gas market in the EU.
11.15 – 12.15 Lunch break
12.15 – 13.30 Second part: Round table
Gas industry today and tomorrow (Plinovodi, EA, MECE, Gas supplier, Industrial customer)
We welcome you to confirm your attendance to our workshop to the address:, no later than June 9th 2023.
Free of charge parking is available.
Sincerely invited,
Plinovodi d.o.o.
Connected through energy