Workshop »Gas market in the Republic of Slovenia« 2023

07. 06. 2023
Program for workshop on 13th June 2023, in the Congress Centre Four Points Ljubljana, Mons d.o.o., Pot za Brdom 4, 1000 Ljubljana.

8.30 – 9.00     Reception of participants
9.00 – 9.15      Opening speech by the General Manager
9.15 – 11.15      First part: Slovenian gas market

Regulatory and legislative novelties,
Implementation of regulation in the future,
Gas transmission and Slovenian gas market,
Enotni informacijski sistem (EIS) platform,
Adaptation of EU gas system and its outlook.

11.15 – 12.15    Lunch break
12.15 – 13.30    Second part: Round table: Gas industry today and tomorrow

M.Sc. Duška Godina, Energy Agency,
Gašper Antičevič, Novartis in Slovenia,
M.Sc. Hinko Šolinc, MECE,
Marjan Eberlinc, Plinovodi d.o.o.,
M.Sc. Zlatko Paska, Geoplin d.o.o. Ljubljana.

We welcome you to confirm your attendance to our workshop to the address:, no later than June 9th 2023.
Translation into English will be provided for foreign guests.

Sincerely invited,

Plinovodi d.o.o.
Connected through energy

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